Monday, April 10, 2006

Pota Toes Part Two

My friend and I were talking about the Cleveland Clinic Diet. And I ran across the Potato Diet and the Ab Diet, etc. What joy to eat potatoes and abs all you want!

Friday, April 07, 2006

What I've learned in a year

I've been at my job for a WHOLE year now and I have learned a few things.

First, don't eat the yellow books.

Second, you CAN read a book by its cover.

and Third, if you click your ruby slippers together and chant, "There's no place like a library, there's no place like a library," they're all gonna laugh at you.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Stolen Blog!

Completely Stolen from my Sister's Blog (every last word)...
You gotta love OHIO women!

Thanks Annay!

A woman from Cleveland and another from the West coast were seated
side-by-side on an airplane. The woman from Cleveland, being friendly
and all, said:

So, where are you from?"

The West coast woman said, "From a place where they know better than
to use a preposition at the end of a sentence."

The woman from Cleveland sat quietly for a few moments and then replied:

"So, where are you from, bitch?"


WHo doesn't love potatoes?!!?


I thought there were more varieties, but I guess we are all stuck with the Russets.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Staying career-fit for life

In the PD today this article said, "When you are green, you're growing, and when you're ripe, you're rotten." So true, so true.

My lesson: always keep your resume well-groomed.

My neighbor Karm told me sound advice: It is a part-time job looking for a job.

I know we all hate doing our resumes but I learned that if I psyche myself out and pretend that it is the most fun ever, I will start feelin' the goodness. I say to myself, "it's ALL about me- the 14 font bold name on the top, my address, my skills, the bullet points in a pretty line all the way down the page. I feel my soul in black and white. And after many DO OVERS for many different companies and jobs it becomes second nature. For five months when I didn't have a job, I would get out of bed, put the daughter in school, get dressed in a white button down and khaki's and make a game plan: 1.) Get applications 2.) fill them out and 3.) send them back. And at the end of the day I would be proud of myself for trying and for not being sucked into the capivating couch.

SO many times I would grab an application and think I really wouldn't want to work here. But the point wasn't personal happiness- it was to get money and you can't get money if you aren't working. Many times I would copy the application and send it in again the following week so it would "stay on top of the pile." I would like to believe that was the case, but they probably thought I was that crazy girl who wanted to work with them. Oh no, here she comes again- look busy. I was just trying to be a familiar face.

So my luck came one day when I got a call from a friend who I used to work with years before. He said, "there is an opening, you should apply." I did, and after a few weeks of applying and interviewing I got the job!

That's another lesson, keep in touch or at least tolerate of people from your past because you NEVER know what the future holds.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Life never ends

just like laundry.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

You are only as happy as your unhappiest child

On Sunday GN got a really nasty email from her friend saying I never want to email you again. I was shocked and felt HORRIBLE!!! This morning she seemed a little more quiet than usual and I was sure it was because of this. Not that she didn't get enough sleep, or that she didn't do her homework and didn't want to tell me or maybe she wanted more cereal. ALL DAY I had a small grey cloud in my stomach and I was imagining her being alone in the loud cafeteria. Walking slow to gym while her friends were ahead of her laughing at an inside joke. I was so sad by the end of the day. I couldn't wait to pick her up and see how she was doing.

After I picked her up from daycare I asked how today went and she smiled at me and said it was great! They had a substitute (GN said was very nice) and it was all in all great. So I dared ask her if she talked to CS about that email and she said,"Oh, I told TR CS was being annoying and she told her. I told CS I was sorry for saying it and she was sorry for the email." I was so relieved!

As her mother, I never thought she would be the one to say anything mean. I told her not to say stuff like that to her friends, no one will EVER keep a secret, especially at that age. She could come to me and tell me stuff- I have no to tell who would care. And they both seemed to have handled the situation correctly.

City Chicken

I have never heard of city chicken until today. It's really pork, the other white meat. Jeff is a wonderful cook and makes up recipes for the buffet at his work. I guess I have lived in luxury all my life and never needed to call things by different names. Chicken is chicken. Pork is pork. They are all white meat. Pork by any other name is still nasty.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Boys can be really nice some times.

I've heard of boys being nice, espeically when the go to Jared to buy their girlfriend diamond rings. He went to Jared! But this mysterious creature can also be clean! I had to move into other quarters, this week being the final blow. Chaos every where, in the bedroom, dresser drawers without the dresser, boxes, boxes and just one more, clothes in every bag, corner, and cranny. Dirty and clean! Bathroom linen closets, once useless with dust, now action packed with combs, lotions, and towels, oh my! By the end of the day, we put everything away, and he hugged me lots and said welcome home. :)